Palin Bristol Bush McCain Christian Conservatives Evangelicals AND Abstinence
At the end of the day [yes I'm using a hated office phrase] I do not care too much about young bristol palin getting pregnant out of wedlock. However, I do take major offense to the hypocrisy I see perpetrated by the same god-fearing Christians who denounce proper sex-ed in favor of abstinence or abstinence only programs. As a sidenote, I'm also wary of federal funds going towards faith-based programs, abstinence related or otherwise. Both Palin and McCain have supported Bush administration abstinence programs. I'm continually hearing supporters quoted as saying: "we support abstinence, but teens will be teens" or "young love cannot be contained". If at the end of the day "teens will be teens" regardless of how they've been educated or how christian or evangelical or religious their households might be, I think it's safe to say they'd be better off learning about safe-sex rather than the christian virtues of virginity and abstinence before the sacred rite of marraige.
There's still a dearth of liberal ranting over the hypocrisy I'm discussing here, but I found the following:
Head Scratcher
The Silver Ring Thing Abstinence Program
Church groups will be vital partners in getting ready for a Flu Pandemic (I just threw that in there for good measure)
And as a very honest disclaimer since I really never post about religion here: regardless of my own religious persuasion, I DO NOT denounce religions in general and I believe that if individuals can find a moral compass, drive and purpose through religion that excludes aspects of hate, intolerence, and biggotry, in my opinion that individual's religiosity is a great blessing. However, it's very hard for me to sympathize with those people whose religious views neccisarily preclude the validity of other practices and beliefs which may also lead to purposeful and moral living and whose religious views engender hate, fear, intolerence of "the other".
Labels: Abstinence, Bristol, Bush, Evangelicals, McCain, Palin, Sex Education, Teen Pregnancy
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