
Monday, February 13, 2006

HBO Rocks

the SOPRANOS tv show on HBO is incredible. I feel like I've already posted on this, but I've probably been remiss and forgotten. I got into this show over a year ago and finally caught up to complete season 5. Can't wait till the March premier of what'll prove to be the last season? 5 was def weaker than previous seasons, less bloody, more nonsense bickering, but still first rate plots and acting.

Also, I've completed season one of Entourage. It's funny and mildly addictive (somewhat acquired taste, but its worth the effort)

Lastly, Curb your Enthusiasm - in-freakin' credible. did I already say that about sopranos? Larry David (seinfeld) is the king of in your face, painfully good comedy.

*Rent DVDs from your local library! they're free, they'll notify you if you put discs on hold, and you can rent for a week (or more if you renew online at your library's website)*

Movie Update

*good movies in recent memory (DVD and Theater):

Road to Perdition - you will cry if you like mobsters and families
Team America
8 1/2
Boogie Nights - crazy movie about the unmentionable-film-theater industry
Four brothers

*very odd, unexpected:

Fight Club (nope, I never saw it till a couple weeks ago!)

*not so hot:

- Carlito's way (like scarface all over again but this time Pacino's not cuban)
- Super Troopers (people always quoting the damned movie, but it was very odd and sometimes very excruciating, in the tradition (albeit milder) of naked gun, police academy, dumb and dumber, farley/spade movies, etc.)
- King Kong: friggin' gorilla fighting t-rexs over and over and over and over again. I already saw the stories of Jurassic Park I and Ko-Ko the singing primate, no need to merge the two stories even if its crudely film noir...