Why My Hope & Optimism Flickered but Only for an Ephemeral Moment Yesterday: A Tale of Self Imposed Idleness and Newspaper Production Treachery

An hour later I'd scoured 5 other locations, covering a 5 mile east-west stretch of the City. No one had the paper. I chatted cordially with Barnes and Noble customer service employees, gas station attendants, and even one other poor soul I encountered who was on an identical quest at the Valero near the end of Town. No one could give me answers, no one could give me a paper. I had started the bright beautiful day full of hope and earnest optimism. By afternoon my life was becoming quite dismal. And let's be clear I'm not exaggerating by saying my whole life was looking bleak. This quest for the morning paper - with the election headline, "Obaminator Wins!" his face proud and smiling on the front page -this quest consumed every fibre of my being. I have no job, I have lots of free time, the paper search was my sole objective and the singular measure by which this bright new day would ultimately be judged. And things were not going well at all. So it is no exaggeration when I say that by 3PM yesterday November 5th nearly all my optimism and hope saw a dramatic reversal to utter despair and hopelessness. Hope + lessness, not Hope.

I returned home dejected, feeling trodden upon in a downward fashion. I had no election paper, I failed in my quest. Around 4PM I started to become increasingly paranoid about this whole sordid affair. Maybe Obama and his campaigners were in cahoots with newspaper execs. Those corporate fat cats with their big cushy expense accounts and fancy wing tipped shoes, and they're who-knows-what newsy attitudes. Maybe Obama and the Dems were in bed with the liberal media after all. Conspiracy theories were multiplying at a pace akin to Sarah Palin's family. And by that I truly do mean I had about 1 or 2 new conspiracy ideas the whole day. It seemed as clear as a half empty glass of water to me that the Newspaper Industry big-wigs, what with their big wigs and cushy jobs and big salaries, had gone as far as to mastermind the election of our nation's FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT with only one purpose... to increase the revenues of the ailing newspaper business. It was clear as day, indeed, people were waiting in lines as long as the voter lines from just a day prior, to buy the election paper. Some were hoarding and purchasing as much as 50 at a time in the Washington DC area. It was like a post Great War German Bread line except without the wheelbarrows of horribly inflated German money.
There was something even worse than the thought that big wig liberal media corporate fat cats having masterminded and enthroned a black president just for profits. It ringed very wall streety like to me, that's for sure, but there was something even more unsettling. What if only a few people had emptied the tin-metal old rubbish looking newspaper dispensary units that are commonly found in grocery store complexes and strip malls? What if some opportunistic liberal fat-cat-aspiring SOBs had inserted the $0.75 or $1.00 for the morning paper and instead taken ALL the copies... that would certainly have been against the honor code set up for the metal newspaper dispensary contraptions... and it also provided a conspiracy theory to compete with my earlier one about the Dems and the newspaper industry colluding to increase sales on Nov 5th. Because why would the newspaper companies want their papers to be stolen... why would they want to increase revenues at corner newsstands in New York City and other places like New York City, while at the same time losing suburban newspaper post election day revenues from their metal tin can newspaper box units?
It's a mystery I have yet to solve with all my free time today, this Wednesday November 6th, 2008. And I have a lot of free time. I lost money in the stock market, I don't work at all, I live at home with my parents... saying that I have free time is an understatement of the facts.
I will say this though: my "healthy cynicism" in our "nation" has been successfully "restored".
My friends... Hope + Lessness... Hope + Lessness. My friends.

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How about magazines? There are plenty of those this week (Newsweek, The Economist, etc.). That may fulfill at least a small part of your quest.
Enjoyed the post, Guru! Hard to believe you are unemployed.
I have a SF Chron front page section that I'll be glad to give you! It is conveniently delivered to my home. It's also my favorite newspaper - besides the Tracy Press, of course!
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