
Sunday, March 19, 2006

12 Monkeys - Not to be confused with Natural Born Killers

I just finished watching 12 Monkey's (yet another great library rental - totally free and totally renewable a max of two times which means a low radar, but high quality movie like this can be in your possession free of charge for up to 3 weeks!) ok enough with my parenthetical pitch for one of the greatest resources your city or county has to offer. Where were we? ah, 12 monkeys - its an incredible movie starting Bruce Willis and brad pitt (jeez these guys are all that and yet manage to always play the 'understated' artsy roles) and a really demur brunette who's name escapes me (even though I just spent the last half hour on and doing movie "research")

Right, 12 Monkeys; I've been talking a lot about time travel with folks, I guess its been coming up lets, see where has it been coming up...

1) Discussing with N******** about how he likes time travel related sci fi (subsequently noting how shoddy most time travel entertainment really is)
2) Friend, M********** turns on Marty McFly and Back to the Future I, I'd never seen it before and the while its so highly touted, the time travel is so penultimatley intellectual.

Right, so back to 12 Monkeys - it’s got a GREAT time travel plot and plot twist(s) think total recall if total recall had a time travel twist. In any case it’s got great questions about the nature of reality, sanity, and love. No steamy scenes, which is great for this movie cause it really doesn't sell out. Hey, it was also directed by the director of Monty Python, but its by no means a comedy.

So I was talking about this movie called "12 Monkeys" - Bruce willis plays an convict, forcibly turned "volunteer" for a deranged set of scientists who are trying to undo the happenings of a plague that kills off most of the human race back in 1996 (Willis' version of the present is 2035). So maybe in 1995 - this timeline made sense - but today we're thinking - director of Monty Python - you think 2035's going to be crazy? but who knows, I'm totally deviating here.

He's forced to volunteer to gather info from the past on this plague (an unknown virus) and a group known as the 12 monkeys that is allegedly responsible for the unleashing of this virus in 1996. He's unwittingly locked up in a mental asylum and befriends (and I'm using befriends VERY loosely here, you'll know what I mean after you watch the movie) the lovely psychiatrist whose-name-I'm-forgetting. He keeps eluding the folks in the present because, well just watch the movie it’s awesome. Also, please note that the mad scientists trying to improve the fate of the "future" world don’t quite have this time travel thing down right, and it causes Bruce's character some serious pain, mentally and physically during his ordeals...

Final Tap: 12 Monkeys- watch it. If you even have a hint of nihilism in you, a hint of "this is all Maya" if you reject the "I can bend the spoon" bullshit and realize that reality is your prison - you'll love this movie. I did.